Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cross Commentary: A Primer for Theology, Faith and Right Practice.

For me to start a blog is fear inducing to a degree. I will be the first to say that my grammar is far from perfect. Second and probably more importantly, to put the interworking of my faith and opinions out there for anyone to see or comment on, only comes with a certain vulnerability. But I suppose in many ways this is why I have chosen to take the step to start the blogging process. I want to wear my heart on my sleeve, imperfections and all, in order to inspire others to a deeper understanding of right Christian faith and practice. 

Here is my heart. I want this to be an interactive work and collaboration. The sole purpose of this is to push forward deeper theological, philosophical, hermeneutical and practical faith so that we align ourselves in right relationship with God. Why?

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and will all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commands (Mt 23:37-40).” 

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Mt 28: 18-20).”

Here’s what this blog is:

-     A scholarly discourse: This doesn’t mean that only scholars can comment, argue, or debate. All are welcome to participate. It means you need to come with objective proof based on sound hermeneutical consideration.

-     A work of humility: In my opinion humility is the hallmark of a mature Christian. Personally I pray for three things every day - Favor from God, His wisdom to use what He has given me for His glory and humility to the utmost degree. The lack of any one of these things leads to an unbalanced life and practice of faith.

-     A place to struggle: This is to be a safe place where we can wrestle with our understanding of who God is, what His Word says and how we need to adjust accordingly.

-     A place of grace: No one is perfect in the striving of their faith. We will never reach perfection this side of heaven. But, we are to try knowing that we ourselves only are given eternal life through Jesus who showed us grace by death on the cross and we therefore will show others this same measure of grace in return.

-     A venue for true love to abound: Assumptions, presumptions, presuppositions, generalizations, heinous categorization, broad-stroke characterization, unjust labeling have no place here. In part, I depend on you to exemplify and uphold this.

-     Apologetical: In a culture where Christianity and the Bible are continually vilified and under siege, we need to know how to handle ourselves with a dignified defense rooted in true love.

-     A Call: It is time for a revival of Christian practice that is rooted in Biblical integrity.  

My dear friends, family, colleagues and those that just happen to come across this blog, I am thankful in advance for your sincere contribution. More importantly, I am thankful for you. It is in working through our faith together that we are refined, challenged, mature and come to be the Body of Christ.

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